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His Beloved Catholic Podcast



We are in season 7 of the His Beloved Catholic Podcast. 

This podcast comes from our deep desire to bring you stories of hope. We have seen God move in mighty ways in our lives and in the lives of our guests and sometimes just hearing someone else's story helps you remember "He is FOR me, not against me." We laugh and we talk deeply about who God is and what He means in our lives. Last season we had a series called "Find Your Fire" where we walked women into finding their identity, purpose, intimacy with the Lord and letting the Holy Spirit ignite their lives for Jesus. If you haven't heard it go back and listen starting with episode 54. 


We have had fantastic guests like Paul J Kim and his wife Maggie, Alli Hoffman, Fr. Charlie Garza, Musician Kevin Kapchinski, Fr. Paul-Michael Piega, Kathryn Whitaker, Mary Lenaburg, Fr. Henry Cuellar and many more.




Girls Arise Podcast


There is finally a place for Catholic girls to grow in holiness and have a little fun at the same time. Kendra Bartlett and Megan Copeland, the hosts of the His Beloved Catholic Podcast, love to inspire teens and young adults to live out their Catholic faith authentically. On each episode of this podcast we will cover a topic that is meaningful to girls these days: identity, relationships, friendships, prayer, scripture, the dignity of our bodies, etc. In the words of Jesus Talitha Khum it is time "Little Girl to Arise."


Sunday Stories 

Learning scripture and the heart of God can be so much fun! Join Catholic Bible teacher, Megan Copeland, each Sunday as we dive deep into the Mass readings. This video series will be a place where kids can fall in love with God and the Catholic faith through the scriptures. Children are hungry for Jesus! They need to hear about His stories so that they will know His love. We will have a ton of fun and go deep all at the same time.


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