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How We Started
The beginnings of this ministry can be compared to a tapestry, but the thing is, only He can see the beautiful side. We were just docile strings willing and thirsting to be woven in whatever way He desired for the sake of His kingdom.
It began with seeds being planted many years before, with our hearts all being stirred for ministry, mission, healing, and service in our own individual way. Then our strings intersected and our stories intertwined. Our hearts grew in friendship, journeying alongside one another in laughter and tears, joys and sorrows, living life and seeking Jesus.
Then the seeds that God planted years before stirred within each of us, and with it grew the desire to share it with the world. And this is where God began to weave our strings together not only in friendship but also in ministry.
We began with an intimate gathering in one of our living rooms, gathering to be poured into, and join in worship and prayer. We were all so filled up and grateful that evening, that we couldn't let that be the last time. So we prayed, and listened, and just ran. We had a our first official His Beloved of Texas women's night of worship soon after and it was incredible. What a humbling gift it was to be a little string in His hands. Over the years we have had God lead some of our founding team members onward to another part of His beautiful tapestry, serving the Kingdom in amazing ways, but that is what following the Lord is all about. What a beautiful beginning it was, and only God knows what it will look like in the end. We only pray that we can continue to be docile in His hands.
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